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Record table

We use many interactive tools on which present data as it is entered by the user. The data builds upon itself as the user completes steps along a process. In many cases this content can be edited after it has been entered. The data captured in the record table is ultimately added to the information included within a completed step.

Household members record table

As a user enters information about specific household members, the data for each member is presented as a new row in the record table. These records are numbered and presented in stacking rows with alternating background color.

Example & Code

Person Number Age Tobacco user Parent Pregnant Coverage Remove person
Person Number: 1 23 Yes Yes Remove this person from your household
Person Number: 2 24 Yes Remove this person from your household
Person Number: 3 2 Remove this person from your household
<table summary="Your household members" id="household-list" class="table record-table">
        <th class="household-number" scope="col"><span class="sr-only">Person Number</span></th>
        <th scope="col">Age</th>
        <th scope="col">Tobacco user</th>
        <th scope="col">Parent</th>
        <th scope="col">Pregnant</th>
        <th scope="col">Coverage</th>
        <th scope="col"><span class="sr-only">Remove person</span></th>
    <tbody aria-relevant="additions removals" aria-atomic="false" aria-live="assertive">
        <td class="household-number">
          <span class="sr-only">Person Number: </span><span id="household-member-number">1</span>
          <input type="hidden" name="age" value="23">
        <td class="yesno" aria-label="not a smoker"></td>
        <td class="yesno yes" aria-label="is a parent">Yes</td>
        <td class="yesno yes" aria-label="pregnant">Yes</td>
        <td class="yesno" aria-label="does not have health coverage from an employer, Medicaid, CHIP, or Medicare">
          <input type="hidden" name="mec" value="false">
        <td class="remove-item" aria-flowto="household-list"><a aria-describedby="household-member-number" title="Remove person" href="#" class="btn btn-remove" target="_self"><span aria-flowto="household-list" aria-controls="household-list" aria-label="remove" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove remove-x"></span><span class="remove-label small"> <span role="button" class="btn-text">Remove <span class="sr-only"> this person from your household</span></span></span></a></td>
        <td class="household-number">
          <span class="sr-only">Person Number: </span><span id="household-member-number">2</span>
          <input type="hidden" name="age" value="24">
        <td class="yesno" aria-label="not a smoker"></td>
        <td class="yesno yes" aria-label="is a parent">Yes</td>
        <td class="yesno" aria-label="not pregnant"></td>
        <td class="yesno" aria-label="does not have health coverage from an employer, Medicaid, CHIP, or Medicare">
          <input type="hidden" name="mec" value="false">
        <td class="remove-item" aria-flowto="household-list"><a aria-describedby="household-member-number" title="Remove person" href="#" class="btn btn-remove" target="_self"><span aria-flowto="household-list" aria-controls="household-list" aria-label="remove" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove remove-x"></span><span class="remove-label small"> <span role="button" class="btn-text">Remove <span class="sr-only"> this person from your household</span></span></span></a></td>
        <td class="household-number">
          <span class="sr-only">Person Number: </span><span id="household-member-number">3</span>
          <input type="hidden" name="age" value="2">
        <td class="yesno" aria-label="not a smoker"></td>
        <td class="yesno" aria-label="not a parent"></td>
        <td class="yesno" aria-label="not pregnant"></td>
        <td class="yesno" aria-label="does not have health coverage from an employer, Medicaid, CHIP, or Medicare">
          <input type="hidden" name="mec" value="false">
        <td class="remove-item" aria-flowto="household-list"><a aria-describedby="household-member-number" title="Remove person" href="#" class="btn btn-remove" target="_self"><span aria-flowto="household-list" aria-controls="household-list" aria-label="remove" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove remove-x"></span><span class="remove-label small"> <span role="button" class="btn-text">Remove <span class="sr-only"> this person from your household</span></span></span></a></td>